Educational Resources For Teachers & Parents

Four Moves that Promote a Growth Mindset in Readers

Teaching Students How to Summarize Well

Nellie Edge - Kindergarten Teacher Resources

Fidget Spinners: Is it what your child really needs?

Summer Reading Program at High School Level

High Impact Strategies to Provide Access to All Students

Parent Handout - Phonemic Awareness, Fluency, Comprehension

Why Reading Aloud to Older Children is Valuable

The Importance of Reading Aloud to Big Kids

Essential Skills Inventories - Grade K - 3

How to Make Co-Teaching Work

5 Common Teaching Practices I'm Kicking to the Curb

3 Tips For Giving Great Constructive Feedback

Video - Nightly Reading Homework - Best Practices for Parents

The Literacy Shed - amazing resource of videos to use when teaching reading/writing

Importance of Conversational Skills for Young Children

Best Read Aloud Books (picture books) for Social Emotional Learning

Scales for Educators about Effective Schools

Engaging All Learners - Peer Support

Universal Design for Learning - two links - UDL Toolkit & CAST

Teacher Learning Sessions - a blog to join with AMAZING podcasts by literacy experts (e.g., Jennifer Serravallo, Penny Kittle) "Connecting Teachers, Ideas, Experts, and Each Other"

IEP Services - UVM website information

Performance Based Learning, KUD, Performance Assessments, Learning Scales

Is Your Brain Being Googled to Death?

Milestones Video Series for ParentsWelcome to Milestones, a free online collection of videos aimed at helping parents understand grade-level expectations in grades K-8. Milestones show students demonstrating what success looks like in reading, writing and math, grade by grade. Choose a grade below to get started.

Improving Motivation and Achievement Through a Growth Mindset

A Study on Praise and Mindsets

The Critical Difference between Complexity and Difficulty

Launching Meetings with videos

Learning Target examples K - 12

Learning Targets in "I Can Language"

Reading: Brain waves study shows how different teaching methods affect reading development

Brain waves show learning to read does not end in 4th grade, contrary to popular theory

5 Facts Educators Must Embrace

Why Making Art is the New Meditation

When Educators Make Space for Play and Passion, Students Develop Purpose

11 Secrets of Irresistible People

5 Characteristics of Effective Teams

Classroom Organization Hints

Student Friendly "I Can" Statements for CCSS
Student Friendly "I Can" Statements Elementary

Parent Toolkit - A resource for parents

Amazing Vocabulary Site

Growth Mindset - great resources

Early Literacy Calendars - great resource for children aged birth to six

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